Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact: Dionne Lee’s Vision for 2024 and Beyond

An Interview by Natalie Ruiz

Natalie Ruiz
Women in Technology


Dionne Lee

As part of my Powerful Women series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dionne Lee. With a career that began at the age of 17, Dionne is a passionate advocate for financial education and empowerment. In this interview, Dionne shares insights into her leadership journey, from her evolving leadership style emphasizing collaboration and empowerment to her vision for A Woman Inspired and the financial industry in 2024. She delves into the challenges and opportunities for women leaders, her strategies for navigating change, and the pivotal role of diversity and inclusion in her leadership approach. Dionne also discusses the influence of mentorship on her career, her commitment to leadership development, and the legacy she hopes to leave as a leader, inspiring future generations.

Join us as we explore the dynamic world of finance, leadership, and empowerment with Dionne Lee.

Dionne Lee, CEO and director of A Woman Inspired is an experienced Financial Coach with a demonstrated history of working many years in the financial services industry. Skilled in Finance Broking, Wealth Coaching, Business Planning, Negotiation, Property Sales, and Management.

Starting her career in finance and lending at the age of just 17, Dionne is passionate about educating others to create their own wealth through ongoing education. You can find Dionne at:

Leadership Style and Vision

How would you describe your leadership style, and how has it evolved over the years?

Over the years, my leadership style has evolved from a more directive approach to one emphasizing collaboration and empowerment. I’ve learned the importance of fostering a supportive environment where team members feel valued and motivated. Open communication and focusing on individual strengths have become integral to my leadership style.

Can you share your vision for your organization or industry in 2024? What key goals are you working towards?

The vision for my organizations in 2024 is centered around innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity. Key goals include implementing cutting-edge technologies, fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, and actively contributing to the responsibility of not only educating our clients to have a greater understanding of their financial education, but also to continue educating the team members in the organization for their own personal knowledge too.

Challenges and Opportunities:

What do you see as the main challenges for women leaders in 2024, and how do you plan to address them?

The main challenges for women leaders in 2024 include gender bias and limited representation. To address these, I am committed to implementing mentorship programs, advocating for equal opportunities, and creating an inclusive culture that values diverse perspectives.

Are there specific opportunities you believe women leaders can leverage in the coming years?

Women leaders can leverage networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and professional development initiatives to enhance their skills. Embracing a growth mindset and actively seeking leadership roles will also empower women in the years to come.

Navigating Change:

How do you plan to lead your team or organization through uncertainty in a rapidly changing landscape?

At all times, but particularly in times of uncertainty, I lead my team through transparent communication, adaptability, and a focus on continuous learning and change. Emphasizing collaboration and maintaining a positive organizational culture is crucial for navigating change successfully.

Can you share a specific instance where you successfully navigated a significant change, and what lessons did you learn from that experience?

During the recent years of COVID-19, significant changes occurred in the world; I successfully led my team through clear communication and fostered a sense of shared purpose and our responsibility to our clients. The lesson learned was the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of change.

Diversity and Inclusion:

How do you prioritize diversity and inclusion in your leadership approach, and what steps are you taking to promote a more inclusive environment?

Diversity and inclusion are core principles in my leadership approach. I actively promote a diverse workforce through inclusive hiring practices, training programs, and creating a safe space for open dialogue on diversity issues.

In your opinion, why is diversity important for the success of an organization, and how do you ensure diverse voices are heard?

Diversity is crucial for innovation, creativity, and overall organizational success. To ensure diverse voices are heard, I encourage an inclusive culture, conduct regular diversity training and weekly team meetings, and actively seek input from individuals with various backgrounds and perspectives.

Mentorship and Leadership Development:

Have you had mentors or role models who have influenced your leadership style? How has mentorship played a role in your career?

Mentorship has played a pivotal role in my career. I have been fortunate to have mentors who provided guidance, shared experiences, and helped shape my leadership style. Their influence motivates me to pay it forward through mentorship initiatives within my organization.

How do you prioritize leadership development within your organization, especially for women aspiring to leadership roles?

Prioritizing leadership development for women involves tailored training programs, mentorship opportunities, and creating an environment that supports women in reaching leadership positions. It’s about providing the resources and guidance necessary for their professional growth.

Legacy and Future Generations:

What legacy do you hope to leave as a leader, and how do you hope to inspire future generations of leaders?

My legacy as a leader is centered on creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture. I aspire to inspire future generations by fostering a sense of purpose, ethical leadership, and a commitment to positively impacting society.

In what ways are you actively working to create opportunities for the next generation of leaders?

Actively working to create opportunities involves supporting education initiatives and mentorship programs and advocating for diversity and inclusion. By providing platforms for skill development and growth, we contribute to empowering the next generation of leaders.

Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us! This interview was inspirational, and I wish you continued success!

🌸 About the Author:

Natalie Ruiz is the CEO of AnswerConnect and often says that her path to success has been unconventional, which fuels her to continue to challenge assumptions about what work, success, and the concept of balance in life look like.

Natalie is an award-winning executive recognized as Female Executive of the Year and for Women Helping Women by the Stevie Award Association and a Woman of Influence by the Portland Business Journal.

Outside of her day job, she volunteers as an executive board member at PDXWIT, speaks on international stages, lends her voice and words to podcasts and publications, and seeks in all that she does to leave people and places better than she finds them.

Connect with Natalie here: on Medium, on LinkedIn, and Instagram

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Natalie Ruiz
Women in Technology

Tech CEO. Mom. Non-Profit Board Member. Working to normalize belonging at work. Living in gratitude. Trying to leave people and places better than I find them.