From Healthcare to Faith-Based Writing: Debbie Adams on Her Journey to Becoming a Bestselling Author

An Interview by Natalie Ruiz

Natalie Ruiz
5 min readMay 13, 2024
Debbie Adams

As part of my Powerful Women Interview Series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Debbie Adams, a dedicated employee at Cardinal Health and a successful faith author. Debbie shares her journey of balancing a career in healthcare with her passion for writing faith-based books, a path that has led her to become a three-time bestselling author on Amazon.

Learn about her work processing pharmaceutical product returns, her devotion to spreading a message of faith through her books, and how she finds time to pursue her creative passion while working a full-time job.

Join us as we explore Debbie’s unique story, her faith-based journey, and the challenges of maintaining a dual career.

Thank you so much for connecting with me and sharing your story. I’m so excited to get started!

Tell me about your professional work:

I work for a great healthcare company that processes product returns from pharmaceutical companies. I also write faith-based books and am a 3x Bestselling Author on Amazon.

How did you get into this?

God opened the door when I needed a better full-time job.

My writing of faith books started three years ago when God told me I needed to share my faith-based testimony.

That is so interesting! What do you love about it?

My regular job isn’t that stressful, and I have many coworkers and managers. My book is written. I love to write books, especially to encourage or help someone.

Why is this work important to you?

With my regular job, everything we do affects patients, doctors, and pharmacies. My writing is critical because I help others and encourage them as they tackle life’s uncertainties.

Clearly, you’re thriving; your passion is coming through loud and clear! What makes you so great at this?

It’s my heart’s desire and joy to help others in any way possible, and I do that in everything possible.

What is the most challenging part of your work?

The biggest challenge in writing is that since I work a regular job, I can only write late at night or on the weekends, and sometimes, I need more sleep to get a book written. It’s a challenge to need more time to write even though I’ve already written three books and have at least three more I’m considering writing.

Debbie Adams

What kind of an impact do you hope to make through your actions?

I’m hoping that with my books, I can spread the good news of Jesus and also encourage others through my life experiences that God is faithful and will always be there in whatever situation you’re facing or will face in the future.

I am a big reader — I am more of an audiobook person nowadays. In any case, I love talking about great reads. What is one of your favorite books?

Anything Karen Kingsbury is my favorite book to read, and I do read books by my Author friends.

If you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?

I grew up loving to read and write short stories, so I would tell my younger self to start writing sooner.

Do you have a favorite quote? What does it mean to you?

My quote is, But God, and I say it all the time, and it means that without God, I wouldn’t be where I am in my life right now.

Outside of work, what do you love doing? What lights you up?

I said that writing is my part-time job; however, I don’t consider it a job. I love to write and read. Even when I don’t have a certain book I’m writing on, I still write down ideas that come to me. Other than writing, I enjoy playing with my cat and love being outside in my flower beds.

I believe there is power in having big dreams and audacious goals, and lately, I have been pushing myself and everyone I know to speak them out loud… Do you have any dreams or goals you want to go on record about here?

My main goal is to be the person God wants me to be, and after that, I want to be on stage talking more about my books.

Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing that with me.

Ok, now I for the big question of the interview! What is the biggest lesson you have learned through your life and career journey?

I’ve learned a lot in the past few years, including that I could be whoever and whatever I strive to be with God’s help. I’ve also learned that negativity will not get you anywhere and that staying positive, confident, and believing will get you everything you want in life.

Finally, what makes you a powerful woman?

I’m assertive in the fact that with God by my side, I’ve been able to accomplish a lot in my life amidst some trying circumstances. I’m powerful in that I am determined and steadfast in accomplishing what I aim to accomplish.

How can we support you?

My greatest support is book sales, so I appreciate people going to Amazon and every online bookstore in the USA and Canada to buy my books.

Thank you so much for sharing your story and insights. I know our readers will love learning more about you!

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Twitter: debbie4896

🌸 About the Author:

Natalie Ruiz is the CEO of AnswerConnect and often says that her path to success has been unconventional, which fuels her to continue to challenge assumptions about what work, success, and the concept of balance in life look like.

Natalie is an award-winning executive recognized as Female Executive of the Year and for Women Helping Women by the Stevie Award Association and a Woman of Influence by the Portland Business Journal.

Outside of her day job, she volunteers, speaks on international stages, lends her voice and words to podcasts and publications, and seeks to leave people and places better than she finds them in all that she does.

Connect with Natalie here: on Medium, on LinkedIn, and Instagram

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Natalie Ruiz

Tech CEO. Mom. Non-Profit Board Member. Working to normalize belonging at work. Living in gratitude. Trying to leave people and places better than I find them.